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Straight cable roller strong, galvanized on tubes C108.A.3.1

38,14$ 38,14$

Technical data:

  • Dimensions: 250×250mm
  • Roll width: 180mm
  • The roller is made of one piece of 4mm thick hard steel, which translates into greater strength and higher loads
  • Very high resistance to rope cuts
  • Clearance under the roller 80mm
  • Working strength: 500 kg (breaking strength at 1400 kg – DIAGRAM)
  • Weight: 4.5kg
  • Sheet metal construction ensures high stability and screwing options
  • Properly graded steel and bearings
  • The myth protected against corrosion
  • Company name can be engraved

Straight cable roller strong C108.A.3.1 is made of galvanized steel with reinforced quality.

A solid cable roller of Polish production

Thanks to the construction of a solid roller and heavy-walled pipe, the roller is extremely durable and resistant to cutting cable ropes from the winch. The toughest reel on the market in terms of resistance to rope cuts.

The bearings used ensure smooth and quiet movement of the cables without damaging their surface.

Straight cable roller strong are dedicated to laying cables in difficult terrain conditions, such as mud, dirt or water. They are also resistant to adverse weather conditions, which makes them reliable and durable in all conditions.

The straight cable roller is not only durable but also durable. Their stable and massive construction together with the steel roller with bearings ensure long-term and maintenance-free use.

Which cable rollers to choose?

Straight cable roller strong are extremely useful tools in the power industry. They are indispensable when laying cables, especially in difficult field conditions, where high resistance to weather conditions, mud and water is required.

If you are looking for a cable roll for a specific application, it is worth paying attention to technical parameters, such as cable diameter, reel dimensions or load capacity.

If you have any questions or doubts about the right choice of a cable reel, it is worth contacting professional specialists in the power industry who will advise and help you choose the right product.

More cable rollers can be found on our online shop.

Weight 4,5 kg
Dimensions 25 × 25 × 25 cm


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