Photovoltaic panels
Clean photovoltaic panels means more savings and a better investment!
Best cleaning solutions for photovoltaic panels
According to the recommendations of specialist companies cleaning panels, the installations should be cleaned at least 2-3 times a year.
In this way, you will gain greater efficiency of your installation compared to dirty panels.
Good maintenance
Our cleaning solutions can significantly extend the solar panel washing intervals and their service life. Photovoltaic is delicate and you have to be careful what means you use for the safety of the owner and the investment.
The best solution is to use a long lance with fluid supply and a delicate brush with nylon bristles which allows you to reach the roof.
A common cleaning agent is demineralized water,which allows you to clean light dirt from plant dust and dust.
But we have something better!
Showing all 7 resultsSorted by latest
Gel and lubricants
Liquid for cleaning of photovoltaic panels – Green Glass – 5 L
17,81$ 17,81$ Add to cart -
Photovoltaic panels
Telescopic stick for washing photovoltaics up to 8.5 m with a brush
Lowest price 30 days ago:
392,02$ Add to cart470,43$
392,02$ -
Gel and lubricants
Brush for washing panels – BRUSH – stick tip
Lowest price 30 days ago:
95,83$ Add to cart114,99$